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Scientific Name: Bos gaurus

Subspecies: 1. Bos g. gaurus: Eastern India, southern Nepal, Assam, Bangladesh and Myanmar. 2. Bos g. radei: Southern China, Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea and Thailand. 3. Bos g. hubbacki: Southern Thailand, southern Myanmar and the peninsula of Malakka.

Habitat: Rocky hills in tropical and deciduous forest with open grassy areas.

Description: Large wild cattle weighing up to 1.000 kg and measuring up to 2 meters over the shoulder. It may reach a total body length of 3,30 m without tail (1 meter). General colour blackish brown with paler underparts and legs. The horns are heavy, pointing sidewards and upwards.

Hunting method: Stalking, with beaters. Protected by law in all areas of distribution.

Hunting available in: Cites classification: A.

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